Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag

Hello everyone!
Today I was on my blog feed and came across The Procrastinating Beauty Blogger Tag posted by Emily from Beauty Broadcast. I thought it would be fun to do this tag, so here it is!
1. Name a beauty regime you rarely do?
I really should use lip liner more because I think that it makes your lips look really full and complete however I rarely do.
2. Is washing your make up brushes something you do regularly?
I am going to be really honest here and say it's not. I should really wash them more often but I can never seem to find a right time because before I do my make up is when I realise that they are dirty but then I have no time for them to dry before I do my make up, so no.
3. How long will you last with chipped nail polish?
Unless I am going out somewhere, I can last quite a while because it doesn't really bother me. I am trying to grow my nails at the minute so they are really uneven, but I guess if I had really nice long nails I would keep on top of it.
4. How long will you put off replacing a product, even if you really need it?
If it's something like a foundation/concealer, I buy it again either the day I run out of it or the next, because I can't live without that (unless I have a back up - which I usually do), but if it's something like an eye shadow or a blush then I will put it off for quite a while.
5. What is your worst beauty habit?
I would say applying too much concealer. I have pretty bad dark circles but I overload on concealer a lot, then I don't realise for ages.
6. Name something non-beauty related that you put off doing all the time?
I never keep my room tidy so I would say cleaning my room. It always seems to take forever because I get pre-occupied all the time!
7. Can you commit to spending bans?
I would say I can because if you guys have read some of my most recent posts then you will know that I am doing a beauty shop every 2 weeks, I'm not sure if this is really a ban, but I have been doing well so far.
8. How organized are your make up and nail polish collections?
My make up organization has gone dramatically down-hill because I seem to just shove everything in a draw, but my nail polish collection is pretty good, I just tend to leave one or two lying around every now and then.
I hope you guys get to know me a little better and don't forget to follow me on twitter - @allsparklesbeauty for updates when I post!
Love Claudia


  1. I can't get enough of your blog<3

  2. Ahhh I love it when you do tags!
