1. Do you accept requests?
I love to hear what posts you guys want me to write! You can comment on a post, email me or comment on my google+ posts what you would like me to write.

2. Do you review products you get sent?
I currently review all my own products however any products that I review that I have been sent I give my 100% personal opinion and also put an asterisk (*) next to the name of the product.

3.Do you earn money from your blog?
I do not earn any money from my blog it is purely a hobby/interest that I love to share with you guys!

4.Do you have a youtube channel?
I do not have a youtube channel however in the future when I have more time and I'm older I would consider starting a youtube account.

5.How old are you?
I am 14 at the moment however I will be 15 in July.

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