Would You Rather Beauty Edition Tag

Happy friday everyone!
After I got into the tag spirit yesterday I really wanted to do another one so when I got tagged for this I got really excited and I really love playing would you rather so I decided to to have a go at this tag!
1. Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lip glosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows?
This one is really easy for me! I would much rather lose all my mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks and lip glosses. I have never been a big lipstick lover I much prefer a good MAC eyeshadow palette and I wouldn't lose mine for the world!
2. Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again?
I would much rather never be able to cut it again after one terrible hair cut two years ago that left me with an uneven shoulder length bowl cut. Worst mistake of my life.
3. Would you rather have a coral cheek or a pink cheek?
This is pretty difficult because I like to wear both I suppose but it depends on the season. In spring and winter I think a pop of colour really brightens the look, however in summer and autumn I prefer a coral cheek because it's warm and summery.
4. If you had £1,000 to spend, would you rather buy clothes or makeup?
I would of course buy make up. This is such a no brainer for me because I just can't quite get as excited about buying clothes. I would still love to have a massive shopping splurge in Urban Outfitters but buying everything in MAC gets me much more excited!
5. Would you rather apply lipstick as eyeliner or eyeliner as lipstick?
I would probably say eye liner as lipstick because it would be more precise and at least I would have brown lips not a pink lash line!
6. Would you rather only shop at MAC or Sephora?
Because I live in the UK I'm pretty sure that we don't have Sephora over here but even if we did I would still say MAC. My love for MAC is unreal and there is not one product I don't like, literally not one. I love every product they sell and I think they are all amazing quality and a fantastic range of colours. I could literally talk about MAC all day!
7. Would you rather only use one eyeshadow color or one lip color for the rest of your life?
As you can tell from this tag lipstick isn't all that important for me. I feel like very particular colours suite me and I could live with using MAC blankety for the rest of life, unlike with eyeshadow I love experimenting with colour and brands and techniques and brushes! I just love eyeshadow and even thought I kind of play it pretty safe I am trying to introduce more colour!
8. Would you rather wear winter clothes in the summer or summer clothes in the winter?
This question is really hard because in England we have really weird weather and some summers it will be freezing cold and winter will be fine, then other times summer will be crazy hot and then winter will snowing like mad. I guess I would go with winter clothes in summer because there have been more cold summers than hot!
9. Would you rather have dark nails or bright nails all year round?
I would have dark nails all year round. I love like really dark purples and greens and reds I just think they are the nicest colours and even in spring you can wear dark blues and greens and I guess it would look alright?
10. Would you rather live without makeup or nail polish?
This is such an obvious question for me! I would of course live without nail polish. I love make up and how it can totally change how some one looks. I love how confident it can make you feel no matter what you think. My skin isn't perfect, no one's is and everyone wants to change something about themselves. Make up gives you the opportunity to do this and love your skin again!
Bit of a deep answer at the end there! Sorry about the huge lump of writing I have thrown on this page as well, I actually got rid of 5 of the questions in the tag! Thanks for reading lovelies and have a fab weekend. I might post some pictures tomorrow of my day because I am going to a lovely Christmas market and I am super excited for that because I go every year and it makes me feel all Christmassy! Love Claudia